TruPath Holistic

Po Box 1226, Hayesville, NC 28904

The TruPath Story


TruPath is an app developed by Katie and Adam Halstead. They live a holistic lifestyle and recognize the challenges that many people like them face on a daily basis.

They quickly realized that the primary challenge was related to finding information with ease. The mountains of research related to holistic living are exactly that, mountains. In fact there is so much knowledge available that it became overwhelming to Katie. "There just isn't one place where a person can go to find what they need" said Katie. "Doing online research on holistic services, products, diets, exercise, and eating can lead you down endless trails of confusion", said Katie.

TruPath was born with one primary goal in mind and that is to provide information related to holistic living in one convenient place. What could be more convenient than the palm of your hand?